Teaching in Gippsland - Columba Bunyip
Why Teach at Columba Catholic Primary School?
Columba is a Catholic Primary School nestled in the heart of Bunyip
- 82.5km South East of Melbourne
- 85km to Philip Island
- 80km to the Mornington Peninsula
We have a diverse range of students and pride ourselves in being inclusive of all. Our Catholic ethos and social teaching underpins all we do - but you are not required to be Catholic to join our staff.
Our Mantra
Challenged to be Curious and Courageous
underpins all that we do and who we are for our students
What we provide:
- A very warm and welcoming staff who prioritise well-being and care for each other
- Family orientated where we commit to a 'Family First' culture
- Small country feel school with 270 enrolments
Warm welcoming learning spaces that are child centred and support and enhance learning
Spansive and green outdoor areas for learning and play

Withdrawal rooms for targeted teaching groups
Opportunities to plan independently and in teams with weekly catch-ups to meet goals
Additional release time and mentor provided for Graduates
Dedicated support staff to assist in classrooms and facilitate intervention programs
Appropriate registration with Victorian Institute of Teaching - graduates welcome to apply
Enquiries and applications can be directed to the Principal, Mr Andrew Greco via email principal@bunyip.catholic.edu.au
We are always excited to meet new teachers. If we do not have job advertised, please introduce yourself or send through a CV.
Columba advertises all jobs on
Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Website
Columba Catholic Primary school is conducted by the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL)
and promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all students. See the DOSCEL Website HERE
Not too far from where you are, there's a place where hills roll and skies open wide. In Gippsland, the spirit of the land, and its people can be found around every bend. Sensed with each step and felt in moments spent with those you’ll meet. As the world begins to unfold once more the treasures of Gippsland are glinting. Never has the grass been greener, never have such riches felt so close. Look again, not too far. Can you see? Visit Gippsland. Stay close, go further.